Types of Speech Disorders in Children


5 Common Speech Problems in Children:


1. Articulation Disorder

 Articulation Disorder is a speech disorder in which a child has difficulty making certain sounds correctly. Sounds may be omitted or misplaced during speech. The child may change the sounds (“wabbit” instead of “rabbit”) or add the wrong sounds to the words. Young children will develop speech problems as they learn to speak, but are expected to "grow in them" at some age. If the errors persist beyond normal years of growth, varying in volume, the child may have difficulty speaking.

The most common speech problems are in the “lisp” state - where the child does not pronounce the S-sound correctly - or when the child is unable to pronounce the R-sound correctly.


2. Apraxia of Speech

It is a communication disorder that affects the motor system of speech production. Speech production is difficult - especially in sequence and sound production. A person may know what he wants to say, but there is a disturbance in the part of the brain that sends a signal to the muscles of the movement needed to produce sound. That leads to problems with proper pronunciation and speech stress as well as rhythm errors. Apraxia of Speech can be acquired in childhood (CAS), or it may be acquired (AOS) due to traumatic brain injury or illness in both children and adults.


3. Fragile X Syndrome (FXS)

Fragile X Syndrome is a genetic disorder that is a common cause of genetic defects in boys and autism (approximately 30% of children with FXS will have autism). It also affects girls, although their symptoms are often mild. They are less well known and second only to Down syndrome in causing mental retardation.

FXS occurs when there is a genetic mutation in the FMRI and is an inherited disease. If a child receives a previously modified X chromosome from one of their parents (such as a network company), it means they are in danger of developing FXS. Diagnosis of Fragile X Syndrome is not easy for parents and doctors at the beginning of a child's life. Few external symptoms appear during the first 9 months. These symptoms can include a long face and outer eyes.


4. Mental retardation, speech and language problems, and social anxiety

These are more common in children with Fragile X. Speech symptoms include repetition of words and phrases, integrated speech and d, difficulty with speaking pragmatics. All FXS features can range from mild to very strong.

Stuttering occurs when speech is interrupted by random repetition, expansion of sounds and doubts, or pauses before a talk. Stuttering may be an improvement, which means it starts early in the speech or is detected as a result of brain damage. No one knows the exact causes of stuttering in a child. It is considered a genetic basis, but direct contact has not yet been established. Children with stuttering relatives are 3 times more likely to have tongues. Stuttering is also very common in children with congenital problems such as cerebral palsy.

A toddler may not struggle with the actual production of sounds — stress and panic trigseveralr of stuttering situations. Stuttering is flexible, which means that if the speaker does not get nervous when speaking, stuttering may not affect his speech.


5. Language disorders

It can be classified into three different categories: Expressive Language Disorder (ELD), Receptive Language Disorder (RLD), or Expressive-Receptive Language Disorder (ERLD). Children with Explained Language Problems do not have problems producing sounds or words, but they cannot retrieve the correct words and form the correct sentences. Children with Speech Problems have difficulty understanding spoken and written language. Finally, children with Expressive-Receptive Language Disorder will show both types of symptoms. Grammar is a difficult concept to understand and they should not use articles (a, the), prepositions (of, with), and plurals. The first sign of delay is in the early stages of the language, so if your child takes a long time to form words or begins to blur, it could be a sign of ELD.


Speech Therapy in Thane

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